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Practical Language VI

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.       Časové věty.

2.       Skloňování přídavných jmen v množném čísle.

3.       Vazby sloves, podstatných a přídavných jmen.

4.       Práce s textem:  Brüder Grimm

5.       Opakování některých zájmen

6.       Opakování gramatiky: Trpný rod

7.       Práce s textem: Rotkäppchen

8.       Opakování gramatiky: Préteritum a perfektum

9.       Předložky se

2. pádem

10.     Práce s textem. Infinitivní konstrukce


Revising and improving language knowledge and skills gained in previous courses. Improving the level of language competence as a preparation for the comprehensive exam. Work with literary, magazine, newspaper and technical texts. Seminars should be taught by a native speaker.

In the language seminar students will focus on grammatical structures of the German language presented in real-life texts. The language seminar encourages the advancement of all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and translation as well. The main aim of the seminar is improvement of the students’ ability to express themselves with regard to grammar and vocabulary, and to reach the B2+ level of their language proficiency. Apart from the practice intended for all participants, the seminar allows addressing needs of individual students to help them improve their language skills.