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Instrumental Study IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


Instrument playing is a discipline that combines practical instrumental skills with a personalized approach to the compositions studied based on the emerging musical theory knowledge. It aims at an aesthetically valuable interpretation of musical works, which is based on the technique of right and left hand, the adoption of recitation culture, tempo and formal construction, and last but not least, the emotional contribution of the artist.

Course contents: In each individual study plan is determined both the repertoire studied and the development of improvisation skills. Acquisition of recital composition of one of the 20th century authors.

Further creation of a reservoir of small compositions with appropriate didactic use. The ability to create stylized accompaniments using major and minor quintacords, septacords and extra-tonal dominants.

The transposition of songs into other keys and the creation of overtures, interludes, and doheres are still practiced. Part of the interpretation of songs is their contemporary singing.

In the violin playing, then singing a song with a finished second voice.