1. Metoda modelování (interpretace úlohy: příběh, objekty, vztahy, model).
\r\n2. Metoda dramatizace/sehrávky (od dramatizace k simulaci a k tabulce, tvorba proceptu).
\r\n3. Metoda rozkladu: a) řetězení, b) klasifikace.
\r\n4. Série specifických metod (simplifikace, od konce, geometrické místo bodů, analogie atd.).
\r\n5. Odhalování pravidelností v různých prostředích metodou: posloupnosti, tabulky, grafu (procesuální uchopení pravidelností pomocí rekurze i konceptuální pomocí vztahu).
\r\n6. Metoda uvolňování konstant (jako nástroj procesu zobecňování v prostředí geometrickém, aritmetickém, algebraickém i kombinatorickém).
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\n1. Method of modelling (interpretation of a task: story, objects, relationships, model).
2. Method of dramatization (from dramatization to simulation and to tables, development of procept).
3. Method od decomposition: a) chaining, b) classification.
4. Series of specific methods (simplification, from the end, set of points with particular attribute, analogy etc.).
5. Discovering of patterns in different environments using method: progression, tables, graphs (processual grasping of patterns using recursion and conceptual grasping using relationships.
6. Method of releasing invariables as a tool for generalization in geometrical, arithmetical, algebraical and combinatorial environments.
1. Method of modelling (interpretation of a task: story, objects, relationships, model).
2. Method of dramatization (from dramatization to simulation and to tables, development of procept).3. Method od decomposition: a) chaining, b) classification.
4. Series of specific methods (simplification, from the end, set of points with particular attribute, analogy etc.).
5. Discovering of patterns in different environments using method: progression, tables, graphs (processual grasping of patterns using recursion and conceptual grasping using relationships.
6. Method of releasing invariables as a tool for generalization in geometrical, arithmetical, algebraical and combinatorial environments.
On basis of knowledge gained from previous mathematical courses the environments suitable for the development of pupils mathematical understanding will be extended and completed with particular respect to solving strategy and solving methods. The core of the work will be development of the ability to solve submitted tasks using different methods (including restricted tools).
We will focus on the following areas: modelling, representation, choice of strategy, creating and realization of solving plan, interpretation of findings. Another course of study will be creating and posing such tasks which are possible to solve using given method.