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Education of immigrant children

Class at Faculty of Education |


Sectional theme Education of the democratic citizen in RVP ZV

Efective approaches to the education for democracy in primary school

Situation of foreigners in the Czech school

Legislative framework of the education of foreigners in the Czech school

Supporting inclusive approach to the foreign pupils (coordination, goal setting, evaluation criteria, peer support, school climate, individual educational plans, pedagogical assistence)

Czech as a second language

Communication with the foreign pupil and his/her family

Creating educational materials


Winter semester course for full-time students: The course consists of four attendance meetings of 180 minutes each and assistant practice for 3 weeks after two lessons in schools that educate pupils with a different mother tongue. At the introductory meeting, students will be acquainted with basic information on migration and integration of pupils with a different mother tongue into schools, as well as with the principles of working with these pupils and with Czech as a second language.

After these three meetings, students will attend schools where they will assist a pupil with a different mother tongue. They will work on the pedagogical diagnosis of the pupil together with the class teacher, then they will process the case study of the pupil.

In addition, students will prepare the classroom lesson, where they will focus primarily on forming an aim for the whole class and for a pupil with a different mother tongue. At the end of the assistantship, students will propose an individual curriculum for the pupil.

All the materials that students create and collect will be part of a reflective diary that will be the output of the course for credit and may be part of a student portfolio. Furthermore, there is a moodle for this course where students will submit individual tasks.

Summer semester course for part-time students: The course content will be the same as for full-time students. There are only two attendance meetings and compulsory attendance.

There is a moodle course in which students will submit tasks and actively work during the semester. Practice takes place in schools where students teach or in schools after consultation with the teacher.