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Basics of Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Conception of partnership, parenthood as a community influencing reproductive, psychical and social health

2. Human Reproduction, determinants of sexual behavior, sexual dysfunction, sexual orientation

3. Reproductive health in adolescence

4. Sexual deviance

5. Preventing sexual infectuous diseases, including HIV/AIDS

6. Family planning, contraception, abortion, infertility problems

7. Pregnancy, childbirth, inc. potential complications and risks


The course provides insight into the issue of partnership and family life in our society. It analyses prenatal and postnatal determinants of sexual behaviour, beginnings of sex life.

It is also based on the principle of Christian sex ethics and opens issues of preparation for marriage and responsible parenthood. It draws attention to negative consequences of risky sexual behaviour, commercialized sexuality, namely commercial sexual abuse of children and youngsters.

It includes selected topics of medical sexuology (sexual dysfunction, sexual deviance, infectuous diseases, including HIV/AIDS).