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Computer as a Teacher Educational Tool and Creative instrument

Class at Faculty of Education |


Roles of ICT in education. ICT as a school subject, as a tool to solve problems, as an educational environment.The Governmental Information Policy in Education in the Czech Republic: aims and reality.

Infovek as a project to support integration of ICT in education in Slovak Republic.ICT in documents of educational programmes for Primary Education. Models and examples how to apply ICT in Primary Education in accordance with a number of computers in classroom, a typology of SW and technology, periods of teaching process, etc.Trends in how apply ICT in teaching and learning.

Handling with information, concept maps, problem solving, creative activities with ICT, programming.Algorithm skills development in primary education. Origami, graphic patterns.

Programming with LOGO and Imagine.


A main mission of the subject "Computer as a Teacher Didactic Tool and Creative Instrument" is to be introduced in role and fundamental methods how to apply ICT in Primary Education. The main attention is given to theoretical questions related to integration into school education of children in age 6 to 10 and also to practical experiences aimed to develop student teachers abilities to use educational SWin Primary Education.

A kea question is why and how to start to apply ICT in Primary Education.

Student teachers develop theirs skills to work with information digital sources, fundamental services of the Internet and educational SW.

A big attention is given to a position of ICT in curriculum of Primary Education and to methodology how to teach pupils to develop algorithmical thinking and to programme computer using LOGO/Imagine.