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Elementary Human Functional Anatomy and Physiology

Class at Faculty of Education |


Function struction of human body (skeleton, blood, muscular, breathing system)

Neural movement control

Psychomotor development from the birth to the maturity

Importance of physical activity for organism and its metabolism.

Response and adaptation of the organism on the physical load

Kinds of motion activities, influence on the health.

Nutrition by the motion activities.

Risks of some motion activities in the childhood. Postural disturbances.

The motion activity by chronic diseases.

Risks of some motion activities by children.


The subject has a propaedeutical character, and its aim is to learn the students the theoretical knowledges of somatology. In the subject the secondary school curriculum will be repeated, and the more sophisticated interpretation of anatomy and physiology of bodily systems (skeletals, blood, muscular, breathing).

The subject puts the emphasis on such a topics, which are important for understanding of biological limits, determinants and possibilities of human organism.