1. Children's artistic expression - socio-historical context of different opinion approaches2. The concept of art education - historical context and an overview of specific concepts - the teacher's personal concept of teaching3. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Methodical implications (Ladislav Čarný and Daniel Fišer)4. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Between line, color, shape and interesting topic (Karla Cikánová)5. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Artefiletics (Jan Slavík)6. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Spiritual and sensory education (Marta Pohnerová)7. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Choiced-Based Art Education (Teaching for Artistic Behavior) (Katherine Douglas and Diane Jaquit) - art education focused on the development of artistic skills and autonomous creation of students8. Selected concept, its theoretical and practical reflection: Discursive AE with an anthropological conception of culture (Marie Fulková)9. Final presentation of own (student) concepts of teaching with a demonstration of the implementation of practice
In the course, students will get acquainted with the historical and contemporary view of children's artistic expression and its deliberate development in the general education system.
Students will practically try out some concepts of teaching art education for the implementation of partial art tasks, the principles of which will be discussed together and will lead to the development of their own concept of teaching AE.