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PC4-Internet as Didactical Environment

Class at Faculty of Education |


- Technical and program devices of computer networks, types and properties of computer networks, possibilities of connecting, Internet structure, user's setup of operating system and clients for Internet access, solving electronic mail

- HTML basic and basic of HTML documents creating, ways of document presentation by WWW, tools for creating WWW pages and specialized HTML editors

- Internet as a didactical environment, Internet influence on teaching process, teaching activities with programs and project focus based on Internet using

- Database and Information systems, architecture of processing and access to data, data models, database schemes, database creating, working with database

- Own teaching project realization


The aim of subject PC4 Internet as didactical environment is to get deeper in recognizing properties and didactical possibilities of computer networks and information systems and to bring student to competence of using computer network Internet and Information system for supporting their study and pedagogical activity.

The goal of this subject is to equip students in following past courses for given knowledge and competences from the area of technical devices of computer network, using the services of Internet network including possibilities of publishing didactical documents and the basic of own WWW pages creating with respect to didactical principles of design and development of information systems and it's goal is to get clear to students principles and techniques of database systems and to teach them to create with concrete database system simple information system.