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Fundamentals of Educational and Social Psychology

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Course goal: a) To mediate the basic knowledge about the subject (learning the basic facts and technics of pedagogical and social psychology) b) To help the students with establishing more complex explanation schemes which will help them to increase the comprehensibility of the educative and learning reality.

* Synopsis of the course.

Pedagogical psychology:

Pedagogical psychology - definition, approach to the subject, subject , main themes, movements in the methodology

Teacher's profession - approach, demands, risks

Learning and cognition - Relationship with cognition, theory and types of learning, learning and cognitive styles, effective learning strategy (metacognition)

Motivation - Motivation disposition and motivation processes, motivation of pupils in school.

Classification in school - orientating and developing forms of classification (risks and possibilities), school results.

Selfdiagnostics of the teacher

Social psychology:

Socialization in school and in the family, family education (specifics of the socialization influence of school and family, interaction teacher - parent, forms of social learning)

Structure and dynamics of a social group, school class (social norms, status, role etc.)

Social perception and communication - perception - approach orientation of the teacher

Interaction teacher x pupils (attribution processes)


Fundamentals of educational and social psychology.

Psychology of education: definition, core concerns, relations to other fields. Learning theories. Motivation in the school work, cognitive needs. School achievement. Evaluation. Relation teacher-student. Attributional processes.

Social psychology: definition, core concerns, relations to other fields. Methods of social psychology. Socialisation role of school. Social group. Social processes in the classroom. Social climate. Social perception. Attitudes. Communication.