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School Psychology

Class at Faculty of Education |


* The aim of the course:

Understanding the basic priciples of educational process, learning to communicate with pupils, teachers and parents, learning about social climate in classroom and school

The content of the course:

Analysis of pedagogic-psychological aspects of the activity in school. Understanding, interpretation and solving concrete situations in educational process. Emphasis on: psychological apsects of learning and teaching, personality of the pupil and the teacher, communication between pupil and teacher. Methods of gathering and interpretation of the datas.

* School experience - Perspective of psychology

* Purpose of the course:

The purpose of the course is to present the psychological features of a school. Following the survey of how students perceive school reality, the psychological analyses of different situations will be made. The emphases will be laid on introduction to the main issues of pedagogical psychology (school guidance, teaching methods, learning, pedagogical communication, assessment and evaluation, vexation etc.). Students will be instructed to practice the basic diagnostic tools for teachers - observation, interview, sociometry, questionnaire, etc.. The course will end with the research and the article.

* Content of the course:

- survey of how students perceive school reality

Following issues:

- school guidance, educational problems, learning dysfunctions

- school assessment and evaluation

- school achievement

- classroom atmosphere, diagnostics of classroom atmosphere

- classroom as a social group, group dynamics, diagnostics of relationships, vexation

- psychological features of teacher profession, successful teacher, burn-out syndrome


Course: School Psychology

The course is focused on school and counseling psychology.

Keywords: Pupil and educational situation. Model of psychic structure of educated individual. Psychology of school class. Diagnostics of social and educational environment. Specific development disorders of learning abilities. Counseling for gifted and talented. Pupils and sudents with problems and their marking.

Course of educational practise

(psychological part)

Psychological analysis of educational situations in school, diagnostic methods: observation, classification of observational methods, interviewing, sociometry, social position of students in a classroom, motivation to succees and motivation to avoid failure, psychological problems of evaluation, school-familly cooperation.