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Master Thesis Seminar II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Příprava powerpointové prezentace.

2. Informace o organizaci obhajob závěrečných prací a SZZ.

3. Prezentace studentů.

4. Přednášky zvaných odborníků dle aktuální nabídky.


"Master Dissertation Seminar II" is designed for Biology students of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, however, only for those of them who plan to defend their master dissertation from the field of biology. The seminar is divided into two parts.

In the first part students will obtain detailed practical information that are supposed to help them during the preparation of a high-quality and modern powerpoint presentation of their work on the master dissertation topic. They are provided with a number of detailed formally-technical recommendations that may make successful presenting of the students? research work possible, especially in the second part of the seminar and during its defence.

The second part of the seminar is devoted to individual student powerpoint presentations of the progress in the development of own master dissertations. Students present their work to supervisors, tutors and/or other colleagues from the Department of Biology and Ecological Education.