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Selected chapters from French methodology

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Kurz bude od zimního semestru 2009 zaměřen výhradně na tvorbu didaktických materiálů a otázky s ní spojené. Zapsaní studenti si vyzkouší a vzájemně okomentují cvičení pro všechny typy studentů, tedy od úrovně A1 po C2, od nejmladších po dospělé apod., tradiční i multimediální / v elektronické podobě.


It focuses students' attention on some aspects of foreign-language methodology, which reflect topical trends in the methodology of foreign languages and particularly in the methodology of French. The content will be specified according to students' needs and interests.

Topics, which are offered, include: general questions of language- education policy, work with pedagogical documentation, multidisciplinary approaches to language education, language propaedeutics, influence of native and other languages on learning a foreign language and the like. By developing methodological aspects, the seminar is linked to selected linguistic disciplines (phonetics, stylistics...).