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Cross-cultural Aspects in Teaching German

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of the course is to introduce the problems of intercultural communication. The students will learn basic principles of intercultural communication (based on text analysis and videorecords analysis with examples of intercultural communication).

A further topic will be teaching culture of the German-speaking countries, by means of which intercultural aspects can be shown in teaching German. The students should acquire basic methodological procedures suitable for teaching culture and language, so that they could put into effect the requirements of creating social-cultural and intercultural skills.

The following topics are to be discussed in the course: Communication and intercultural communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication.

The relationship between language and culture. Cultural standards and stereotypes.

The notion of culture and different approaches to dealing with this problem. The history of culture in teaching foreign languages.

The role of culture in present FLT - the problem of stereotype and prejudice. Analysis of textbooks from the cultural point of view - sets of criteria.

Creating social-cultural skills by means of activity-directed lessons. Project teaching.

Using ICT in teaching culture. Close relationship between culture and literature.