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Effective instructional strategies

Class at Faculty of Education |



1. Introduction resources, changing roles of teachers, teacher mainly as a source or as a facilitator *

2. How students learn instruction from the constructivist point of view, active learning, social learning *

3. What should students learn educational content, current curricula reform, how to teach the key competencies *

4. Setting educational objectives classification of educational objectives, taxonomy table, setting objectives in the instructional design *

5. Student assessment summative and formative assessment, using criteria in assessment, marking and verbal assessment, providing feedback *

6. Process of instruction effective learning cycle, meaningful learning stages, student involvement in setting learning objectives *

7. Instructional strategies I. activating prior knowledge, comparing, classifying, creating metaphor and analogies, nonlinguistic representations *

8. Instructional strategies II. learning from text, note taking and summarizing, homework and practice *

9. Topic to be selected by students *

10. Student's conference presentation of students' projects, students' course evaluations


The objective of the course is to give students some actual knowledge about research findings in the range of instructional strategies. Students will practice instructional strategies first with each other and then afterwards in the real classroom.

The course based on the strategic instructional design: observing students' skills and needs, choosing the content of instruction, setting objectives, and selecting teaching methods and assessment tools. Instruction covers the stages of an effective learning cycle: setting objectives, activating prior knowledge, building meaning, promoting knowledge retention, and reflecting on both content and the learning process.