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Teaching Training at High School

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Obsah kurzu:

- Hospitace ve výuce zkušených učitelů

- Seznámení se s materiály a pomůckami

- Samostatné výstupy studentů jsou didakticky analyzovány

Požadavky k zápočtu:

- Aktivní účast


Students check their abilities to cope with their teacher profession for which they are being prepared. They take part in a special instructional seminar before they go to take teacher training at lower classes of secondary schools.

During this training they have to teach at least 10 hours and they should have at least 10 inspections in classes of graduated teachers. At the end of this training there is a seminar where students share their experiences in teacher training and also say their opinion about its organisation and their cooperation with teachers at lower classes of secondary schools.