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Multimedia Systems

Class at Faculty of Education |


- Characteristics, meanings and perspective of multimedia

- Technical and programming devices of multimedia systems

- Physical basic of audio and video

- Analog and digital signal process, AD and DA converters

- Record, reproduction and coding of audio and video

- Formats of sounds and graphical files, compression of video and audio data

- Program equipment for audio processing

- Program equipment for video processing

- Programs data exchange, different file types and it's convention


The aim of subject Multimedia systems is to bring students into the field of multimedia and multimedia applications, to clear it's character and meaning of multimedia, to equip them with the right knowledge and skills and to prepare them for next evolution in the direction of using and creation multimedia applications. Goal of this mostly theoretical subject is to give to all the students the same level of knowledge and skills, define and bring systematical basic terms and corresponding theoretical aparate from the area of multimedia environment of personal computer including next chosen devices getting used in multimedia systems.