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Constructivistic Education with ICT

Class at Faculty of Education |


- cognitive and constructivist aspects of psychodidacticals systems

- instructivist and constructivist educational environment

- actual understanding and tools for constructivist teaching

- LOGO as classical constructivist tool

- Teaching constructivist programs

- Project methods and teaching projects

- Virtual environment

- Methodical aspect of realization constructivist method of education


Subject K92 Constructive Education continues on previous tuition of didactical focused subjects of study technical and informatical education. Mainly with subjects K74 Educational technology and K83 ICT in Education.

The subject is focused on the practical aspects of using constructivist theory of education, constructivist access for education and corresponding tuition's methods. According with didactical-methodical orientation of second cycles of study is the target of subject K92 expand skill of students didactical and technical equally way transform knowledge and skills into real tuition activities with constructive and project focus based on using ICT and this way improve competences in the way of practical application of ICT in education.