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Art therapy II

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Sylabus:

Creation, art experience, reflection and analysis of experience. Art in education and therapy. Basic types of psychotherapeutical methods (art-therapy, music - therapy, drama- therapy, nonverbal methods, narrative therapy) and their combinations. Artphiletics. key words: art experience, expression, reflection, art-therapy, artphiletics


Students will be introduced in to theory of Art-therapy by lectures and discussions, which will by conected to the practical part of preveious course (Art-therapy I). The Content of Course will be conected on exam topics (Art- therapy,

Psychotherapy, history, developement and current Art-therapy, approach, methods and techniques, Art-therapy and Art, teacher/therapist, pupil/klient, Art-therapist´s competencies and his personality, ethical guestions in Art-therapy, education in

Art-therapy, Art-therpy and education, Artephiletics). Students will self-containly choose Art-therapeutical methods and design programs for people with special needs.