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Developmental Psychology I

Class at Faculty of Education |


Course aim: To provide insight into the nature of psychic development of human individual. This development is seen as result of interaction between inborn potential a enviromental influences. Main emphasis is laid on the importance of interpersonal relationships for development of psychic structures. The importance of subjectivity and its development in the course of human life is stressed.

* Course content:

-Brief introduction into the history of developmental psychology

-theoretical trends in developmental psychology, different views of the course of psychic development, nature-nurture issue, issue of developmental level

-selected developmental theories (M.Mahler, Piaget, Stern)

-ways of getting scientific data in developmental psychology, principles of psychic development

-psychology of memory

-contemporary theory of attachment

-development of self a subjectivity

-development and importance of mentalisation, reflective function

-motor development, development of gender identity, sexuality, language and speech development

-development in different life periods

-specific developmental crisis


Developmental psychology descriptive and explanative approach, interpersonal relationship, psychic structure, self, subjectivity, developmental theory