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Clinical seminar in school psychology

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Course Target:

Training in the rules of psychological field research of a specified educational phenomenon - research report in publishable quality

* Course Contents:

- round off the research activity, launched in the previous semester (Psychological Methodology II), with a publication in The Archive of the Research on Mental Development and its History - Students Works(;

- specify and carry-out the agenda in conceptualising the studied phenomenon, in gathering data, reading of relevant literature, writing the final report - all based on the assessment of the preliminary research report/memorandum issued from the previous research course;

- elaborate the conceptualisation of the studied phenomenon with the aid of conceptual map - diagram;

- focalize the collection of data according to the needs in the conceptualisation of the studied phenomenon (in general: getting the idea of its variability in a natural sociological unit - e.g. school class; of its ecological validity - children's life in an educational institution; its developmental validity - one or more "grades" of the studied education);

- commit reading of relevant literature to looking for an argument, discussion, alternative conceptualisation of the studied phenomenon;

- direct one's writing to theoretical integrity of the analytical story and to formal soundness of the published text;

- utilise consultations with colleagues (seminar - particular problems of particular students) as means of immediate inspiration and/or generalizable methodological experience.


Clinical seminar in school psychology

Empirical research of school life -getting acquainted with future clients: pupils, teachers, parents. Gathering data through intensive participant observation in one class. Analysing data and articulating a central theme. Elaborating integrative diagrams and writing memos, draft and final versions of a research report.