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School Class as a Social Group

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Aim of course:

Center of attention is peer group in the school class and its characteristics. Student should learn to use group dynamics in his work in profit of one student or the whole class.

* Content of course: 1.Social group definition. Characteristics and formation of group. 2.Development of social group in the class. 3.Structure and dynamics of group. Roles and social positions. 4.Methods of group diagnostic. 5.Diagnostics of social climate. 6.Interpretation of diagnostic data. 7.Possibilities of intervention in the group.


Classroom as social group

Small social group: definition, characteristics. Development of social group in the classroom. Group structure and dynamics. Roles, status, leadership. Group norms. Conformity. Group cohesion Social climate. Diagnostics of the social group: sociometry. Possibilities of intervention in the clasroom social group.

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