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Guidance of Children in Group Settings

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Leading of children group

* Purpose of the course:

The main purpose of the course is to bring in the feasible ways how to deal with a group of children. It will present theories and current knowledge about social groups generally and about special features of children or teenage groups. The goal is to understand the group structure and the group dynamics. Students should master commonly applied techniques for the group leading. Most attention will be paid to the groups of children in school age (6 - 15 years old) and groups whose origin is related to the school.

* Content of the course:

-Social groups. Classroom as a social group.

-Group structure. Group positions.

-Group dynamics.

-Group leading. Differences between leading by an adult and by a child.

-Extraordinary situations in a group. Aggression. Vexation.

-Establishment of formal and informal group order.

-Facilities for a change in a group.

-Organization of groupwork. Motivation.

-Team work, social games, relaxation and other practices.


Guidance of children group

Key words: group preparation, group objectives, roles in the group, group cohesion, inconvenient members, group rules, inaccessible behavior, subgroups formation, group development periods, group meeting course, problem-finding and problem-solving, leader role, introduction, group members recognition, understanding to communication, understanding to listening each other, cooperation, making decision, self-evaluation, the other evaluation, aggression, self-support, identification, empathy, Machač´s relaxation and activation technique, Schultz`s autogenne training, relaxation with breath exercises, relaxation with the imagination, music relaxation, Maruščuk´s relaxation for children with hyperkinetic syndrome.