Celek a jeho části, vnímání a jeho vývoj a vliv na možnosti rozvoje předmatematických představ.
Kompozice, dekompozice, kompletace, korekce a další procedury.
Vztahy celek-celek, celek a jeho část, části jednoho celku, části dvou různých celků, celky stabilní, proměnlivé,
porovnávání přirozené, základní, redukované, rozdílem, poměřování, podílem, měření.
Shodná zobrazení ve hrách, kritéria obtížnosti.
Svět dítěte, svět prostoru, orientace v prostoru, v rovině.
Jazyk a jeho role pro chápání vztahů (předložky, příslovce, slovesa).
Pojmotvorný proces - počátky pojmotvorného procesu jako základ ke školské geometrii.
Různé druhy transformací (velikostní, tvarové, 3D-2D a podobně).
Prvky topologie, jednotažky.
Tvarové, polohové, objemové závislosti, pravidelnosti.
Vývoj stavby u dětí, význam stavebnic.
Nestandardní materiály jako diagnostické či terapeutické nástroje.
Problematika diagnostiky P-L orientace, Piagetovy pokusy.
Alternativní pedagogické směry a Předmatematická výchova.
Whole and its parts, understanding and its development, influence on the development of pre-mathematical images. Composition, decomposition, completation, correction and other procedures. Whole-whole, part-whole relationships, stable and flexible wholes. Comparison and its different types. Congruences in games. The world of the child, of the space, orientation in space and in plane. Language and its role in the understanding of relationships (prepositions, adverbs, verbs). Concept formation process of pre-geometrical knowlegge. Transformations (of size, shape, 3D-2D). Elements of topology. Regularities, dependences. The development of buildings in pupils, the importance of construction toys. Non-standard materials as diagnostic or therapeutic tools. Piaget's experiments. Alternative pedagogical movements and pre-mathematical education.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Whole and its parts, understanding and its development, influence on the development of pre-mathematical images. Composition, decomposition, completation, correction and other procedures. Whole-whole, part-whole relationships, stable and flexible wholes.
Comparison and its different types. Congruences in games.
The world of the child, of the space, orientation in space and in plane. Language and its role in the understanding of relationships (prepositions, adverbs, verbs).
Concept formation process of pre-geometrical knowlegge. Transformations (of size, shape, 3D-2D).
Elements of topology. Regularities, dependences. The development of buildings in pupils, the importance of construction toys.
Non-standard materials as diagnostic or therapeutic tools. Piaget's experiments.
Alternative pedagogical movements and pre-mathematical education.
Propedeutics of Mathematics is based on conception of child`s personal development in kindergardens. The course is focussed on building tools which teachers can use to develop personality of child to respect his/her abilities and to respect requirements of contemporary conception of mathematics at the 1st grade of primary school.
At the end of this course a student should be able to analyse different activities of child from the point of view of his/her abilities which are develope in games and which participate in learning process in school mathematics. The student should be able to observe and analyse child`s behaviour, to carry out partial experiments and to create therapeutic activities.