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Facultative Literary Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |


The syllabus of the course is based on the students' selection of 5 or 6 books from the following list: 1910s & 1920s

G.B. Shaw: Pygmalion

Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse

D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley’s Lover   1930s & 1940s

Aldous Huxley: Brave New World

Christopher Isherwood: Goodbye to Berlin

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four   1950s

Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot; Endgame

Kingsley Amis: Lucky Jim

William Golding: Lord of the Flies

Graham Greene: The End of the Affair

John Osborne: Look Back in Anger

Iris Murdoch: Under the Net

Alan Sillitoe: Saturday Night and Sunday Morning   1960s

John Fowles: The Collector

Anthony Burgess: Nothing Like the Sun

Harold Pinter: Homecoming

Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

B.S. Johnson: The Unfortunates   1970s

David Lodge: Changing Places

Ian McEwan: The Cement Garden

Angela Carter: The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories   1980s

Peter Ackroyd: Hawksmoor

Jeanette Winterson: Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

Kazuo Ishiguro: An Artist of the Floating World

Martin Amis: London Fields

Julian Barnes: A History of the World in 101/2 Chapters  


Course requirements: regular attendance, active participation, and production of an essay (1000 words).

This course focuses on 20th century British fiction and drama from 1900 to the 1980s. The seminars are organized on the basis of analysis, understanding and evaluation of a selection of texts which are not included in the 20th century British

Literature syllabus. Students are also provided essential historical, social, political and cultural context of the selected texts. The key authors are Shaw, Forster, Woolf, Huxley, Orwell, Beckett, Kingsley Amis, Golding, Murdoch, Pinter, Lodge, Carter, Martin Amis, Winterson, Ishiguro, Stoppard and Barnes.