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Plant Anatomy and Morphology

Class at Faculty of Education |


A. Lectures

  Course and examination methods in plant anatomy and morphology, cytology, histology, organologie. Plant cytology, construction protoplasts, living structure.

 Cell vacuoles, inclusion in plastics. Cell wall function and structure of cell walls.

Histology plants, the emergence of tissue. Types of tissues and tissue systems. meristematic and permanent tissues, system meristematic tissue

System covering tissues, primary and secondary tissue cover. Vents, trichomes, emergence. The system of fundamental tissues, secretory cells

System conductive tissues and consolidation. blood vessels and Tracheid, conducting parenchyma, cell movement. Bast and wood of the vascular, vascular type.

Organology plant vegetative and reproductive organs. Lower insole products, differentiated body of higher plants. Root, functions and internal structure of root, root branching, secondary weight gain root, root transformation. Morphology of the root and root system.

Aboveground plant parts (shoots), stem. Function stem its growth and primary structure, branching stem. Secondary structure of the stem and the secondary weight gain. Conversion of the stem, vegetative organs and the environment.

Leaves, the function leaves, their formation and growth. Construction sheets, external and internal structure, leaf morphology blade. Leaves metamorfosis

Reproductive tract, sexual and asexual reproduction plants. Reproduction seedless plants, seed breeding plants. Reproduction of fungi, algae, mosses, ferns, club mosses, and horsetails.

Flower, origin and structure of a flower. Flower bed, flower containers, sticks, Inflorescence and its types.

Pollination and fertilization, development of seed and fruit. Construction of the seed, the construction of the fetus. Types of fruits, fleshy fruits and dry. Compound fruit and fruits.

The final summary lecture supplemented by film screenings and video projection.

B. Practice

The microscope and its construction, work with a microscope. Preparation of simple water preparation, drawing and description.

 Cell and cellular components. Observation of chloroplasts, nucleus, vacuoles, cell walls, various types of cells.

Plant tissue. Parenchymatical mesh kolenchym, prosenchym, sklerenchym.

Vascular bundles, lateral and longitudinal cuts stem. Lateral vascular bundle of flowering plants, conductive tissues of Cucurbitaceae plants, vascular bundle transection.

Cut leaf ivy, cut skewer pine, epidermis print-leaf monocotyledons and dicotyledonous plants.

Final Practice, awarding credits based on attendance practice and on the basis of the work protocols. Observation of pollen grains plants.  


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the construction of the plant body in relation to evolution, to its functions and adaptations. Main content lies in cytology (plant cell, submicroscopis structures), histology (tissue formation, the shape of the tissue cells and development of cell walls, meristematic and permanent tissues), organology (primary and secondary structure, morphology and metamorphosis of root, stem and leaves), reproductive organs, metagenesis and its variation in Algae, Fungi, Chromista, mosses, club mosses, horsetails, ferns, and angiosperms, flower formation and structure, fertilization, seed and fruit development.

In laboratory practice, students learn about different botanical microtechnologies, working on cytological and histological preparations. They learn transverse and longitudinal sections and prepare permanent preparations for their future teaching practices. The introduction of these practices is also the creation of basic laboratory safety and hygienic habits in lab.