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Prolegomena to Czech literary Studies

Class at Faculty of Education |


1 / Bibliology, relations of theology, cultural history and history of literature. 2 / Is there a hiat between Baroque and Revival literature? 3 / Folk literature and folklore literary formations. Folk reading books and their influence on folklore. 5 / Czech humanistic literature or Reformation literature of the 16th century? Czech biblical translations. 6 / Prayer books as a literary genre. 7 / Legendistics of the Czech Middle Ages and Baroque. 8 / Chronicle of the Czech Middle Ages, Humanism and Baroque.

Historical processing. Baroque patriotism. 9 / Homiletics as a leading literary genre of Czech prose in the 18th century.

Comparison with medieval homiletics.


Lecture course informs about selected basic subject areas connected with the Pre-Enlightenment culture, literature and thinking in wider social and historical aspects. These main themes are focused: symbolic and religious thinking, the Bible and its cultural influence, an author and his reader, multilanguage levels of a Czech literature: Bohemian, German, Latin and Jewish.