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Interpretation of major works of Czech literature II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Tituly pro seminář Věry Brožové, LS 2019: Václav Řezáč: Nástup (1951); Brousek, Antonín: Podivuhodní kouzelníci: Čítanka českého stalinismu v řeči vázané z let 1945-55 (1987) Jan Zahradníček: La Saletta (1946) Josef Škvorecký: Zbabělci (1958) Bohumil Hrabal: Ostře sledované vlaky (1965) František Hrubín: Romance pro křídlovku (1962) Vladimír Holan: Noc s Hamletem (1964) Milan Kundera: Žert (1967) Ladislav Fuks:  Spalovač mrtvol (1967) Ivan M. Jirous: Magorovy labutí písně (1985)

Program semináře Lukáše Neumanna:

Brousek, Antonín: Podivuhodní kouzelníci: Čítanka českého stalinismu v řeči vázané z let 1945-55 (1987); Jan Zahradníček: Znamení moci (1951)

Josef Jedlička: Kde život náš je v půli se svou poutí (1954-1957)

Josef Škvorecký: Zbabělci (1958)

František Hrubín: Romance pro křídlovku (1962)

Vladimír Holan: Bolest (1965), Příběhy (1963)

Milan Kundera: Žert (1967)

Ladislav Fuks:  Spalovač mrtvol (1967)

Bohumil Hrabal: Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (1971)

Ivan M. Jirous: Magorovy labutí písně (1985)          


Interpretation of Major Works of Czech Literature II.

Annotation for all teachers:

The content of the course is based on an analysis of listed works of literature from the literary-historical, critical and theoretical point of view. Work in seminars will be organized in a unified manner, as follows: each seminar consists of three model parts based on assigned and prepared papers / presentations. However, each student in the seminar is obliged to read all the assigned titles and to participate actively in the discussion. 1. The paper is focused on the author's personality and contemporary contexts. Both the author's CV and contextual information must be selected to illuminate the work itself. In this way, students will be able to orient themselves in historical and biographical material, as well as they are supposed to be able to infer from the signals they receive through the work the relevant and non-random context. 2. The second paper will focus on the issue of the response of the work in various concretizations or updates. This could include information about the impact of the work on the appearance and transformation of aesthetic standards. 3. The third contribution is perceived as the main one. Within this task a student has to interpret the work from the point of view of his semantic construction, his functional analysis and interpretation / criticism of the current positions. There are accentuated questions related to genre, theme, motives, composition, thought, or questions about the author's style, intertextuality etc. The aim is to describe the reasons for which the analyzed title is part of the canon of Czech literature and whether it is a reader's live work - there is also a place for expressing a personal attitude to the work.

The length of the 1st and 2nd papers should not exceed 10 minutes; the expected length of the main paper is 30 minutes. Each of the papers is given to different students, in the case of more complicated texts for which a greater volume of work is expected, eg. with contemporary contexts or contexts of response, the paper may be given to two students who are simultaneously invited to team work. Students who do not have a main paper will process two contextual papers. The student who prepares the paper about the author chooses the second paper to be the respondent. Students think in advance what papers they intend to process. At the first seminar, the task is split according to the key described above.