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Course of Czech literature I

Class at Faculty of Education |


1) Introduction to literary research of drama

2) Theater of National Revival - J. N. Štěpánek and V. K. Klicpera

3) Influence of Viennese folk theater on the work of J. K. Tyl

4) Neo-romantic tragedy and attempts at a serious drama from the present

5) Formation of Czech comedy from the 1860s.

6) Realistic and naturalistic drama

7) Psychologism in drama at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

8) Lyrical drama

9) Expressionism in drama

10) Interwar epic and problem drama

11) Entertainment theater genres, popular drama

12) Forms of avant-garde drama


The seminar focuses on the transformation of dramatic text in Czech literature from the first half of the 19th century until the 1930s. It follows important periods that influenced the development of Czech drama and gave rise to key literary texts.

Based on the analysis of individual dramas, students will learn the basic theoretical problems of drama as a literary type and learn about the historical and cultural context of the period under review.