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Class at Faculty of Education |


I. Lexical morphology - the structure of the French lexis, the formation of lexical units, synchronic and diachronic approach to lexicon, etymology. The caracter of French lexis from a diachronic perspective: popular formation, academic formation, doublets, types of formation and enrichment of lexis: borrowing, derivation, compounding, reduction, neology. Current tendencies.

II. Introduction to lexicography. Description and classification of lexis and its methods. Types of dictionaries (self-study).


The course is focusing mainly on word-formation, French semantics and lexicography being the object of a more detailed study in the follow-up Master programme. Lexicology as a linguistic discipline, word and lexicon, its character in French and the ways of enrichment of lexicon.

Synchronic and diachronic approach to lexicon, etymology. Introduction to lexicography.