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French literature of the Turn of the 20th century

Class at Faculty of Education |


The symbol as a way to a different realityAmbivalent relation between symbolism and decadence. The introduction to the theory of the symbol with references to Baudelaire´s "correspondances". Interconnection of the symbolism and the decadence (S. Mallarmé, P. Valéry, A. Gide,  J.-K. Huysmans). Symbols and myths of the End of Century: Narkissos and Salomé.The aesthetics of the fin-de-siecle, the dandyism, the aesthetisation of the morbidity and perversion. Cult of the artificial Beauty and of the Artificial in general. Ornementalism and decorativism as bridg between literature and others arts.The break between periods (revolutionary scientific discoveries of the turn of the 19th and the 20th  century) and the shift to aesthetic innovations - problematisation of the reality and of the basic categories, pre-avantgarde : G. Appolinaire. Cubism in literature. Style similarities between avantgardism and maniérisme.  

Seminary 26.2. Introduction.4.3. Charles Baudelaire, Les fleurs du mal, Les correspondances. La Dualité entre le Spleen et l’Idéal dans Les Fleurs du mal de Baudelaire

Paul Verlaine : « Chanson d’automne ». 11.3. Arthur Rimbaud, « Sensation ».Exposé : Les poètes mauditsLes poèmes en prose de RimbaudRimbaud - précurseur des surréalistes18.3. Huysmans, A reboursExposé : A rebours1.4. GideGide « Je m’attends à vous, nourritures »Exposé: Gide (Les nourritures terrestres, L’immoraliste, Les faux-monnayeurs)8.4. ZolaExposé : L’affaire DreyfusFrance (Les Dieux ont soif, L’île aux Pingouins)15.4. Commentaire composé d’un poème de Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire         Commentaire composé d’un extrait de texte narratif (Gide, France, Colette)Exposé: Le modernisme d’ApollinaireApollinaire: Alcools et Calligrammes29.4.  La critique positiviste et historique. Proust.6.5. La notion de l’imaginaire. Bachelard. Durand.


The period from 1860s to the 1st decade of the 20th century as the crucial moment of the conflict between tradition and modernity.

The symbol as a way to a different reality

Ambivalent relation between symbolism and decadence. The introduction to the theory of the symbol with references to Baudelaire´s "correspondances". Interconnection of the symbolism and the decadence (S. Mallarmé, P. Valéry, A. Gide, J.-K. Huysmans). Symbols and myths of the End of Century.

Cult of the artificial Beauty and of the Artificial in general. Ornementalism and decorativism as bridg between literature and others arts.

The break between periods (revolutionary scientific discoveries of the turn of the 19th and the 20th century) and the shift to aesthetic innovations - problematisation of the reality and of the basic categories, pre-avantgarde : G. Apollinaire.