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Drama Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


Dramatic education is a method of teaching by direct experience and self-experience while interacting. It is all about gaining life experience by solving issues together. For example, by approaching certain situations not only verbally or by intellect but also by intuition, involving the body and emotions. Dramatic education focuses on relationships, situations, and on improving communication. It is based on children imitating games (games like "playing pretend"), when the participants of the game and everything included in the game (space, objects, sounds) become something or someone other than in reality. They enter into a fictional world where they actively put the finishing touches into the game with their actions. The main method of dramatic education is dramatic play, which is realized in three levels:

• Simulation - players play themselves, but in a simulated situation,

• Alternation - players take on the role of someone else in a fictitious situation. By their actions, they create just the outlines of a fictional character, as a type, with the emphasis on their function in the storyline.

• Characterization - a conscious complex creation of a fictional dramatic character. It demands a certain life experience and a certain degree of mental development.