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Ethics I

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Ethics is in another way the same philosophical intention; To understand the essential issue of ethics it requires us to demonstrate why and in what sense is it good to be rightful just the way we are – Socratic elenchus

2. The major phenomena of experience – What is the world and who is the person?; Plato’s idea of education and upbringing; an issue of doxa and the cave into which we always grow; Who is a child? Plato’s idea of soul – its purification of Christian-Latin misinterpretation; climbing out of the cave as to climb out of the world and simultaneously from “oneself” to “myself” (“know yourself”)

3. Aristotle continuation of Plato’s idea of philosophy and education: interpreting the main issue of Nicomachean Ethics – to agathon, Eudaimonia, ethos, paideia;

4. The issue of scientific knowledge; an idea and a norm – humanity that allows to be normalized by an observed idea without being compelled; what does their composition mean for the European humanity and its meaning – imperial horizon of European politics within the contrast of Greece oikos.

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