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Authority in Education

Class at Faculty of Education |



- authority and closely related concepts,

- the definition, basis and types of authority,

- authority from the point of view of ontogenetic development,

- authority in the work of leading experts in education and pedagogy,

- the contemporary relativisation of authority,

- the functions of authority in society and in school,

- characteristics that contribute to the development of the authority of a teacher,

- how can a school purposefully manage authority,

- projects dealing with the prevention and solution of socially pathological phenomena based on authority,

- research methods used in the study of authority.



The subject helps students to learn about the problem of authority in philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical contexts. It studies the given topic from macrosocial, microsocial and intraindividual points of view. It analyses the concept of authority and interconnects it with closely related concepts. It deals with the form, diversity, development and exercise of authority in different environments, especially in the educational environment. It tries to answer the question of how an educator develops and gains authority and on the contrary the reasons of losing it. The programme of the subject also focuses on the questions of the methodology of studying authority.