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The shaping of child´s personality and ego

Class at Faculty of Education |


• - the personality structure,

• - the basic procedure of the personality shaping through emotions and experiences in the childhood,

• - the connection between the ego components and the adult behaviour,

• - the period of the personality shaping - ancors and examples,

• - the period of the primary social adaptation,

• - the period of the values structure crystallization,

• - a phenomenon of the role in the process of the personality shaping,

• - the connection between mistakes in the personality shaping process and psychic and social disorders,

• - the feedback as the basic tool of the personality shaping,

• - the basic scheme of the motivation.


A personality shaping brings the answer to the questions of, what is it a personality (ego), how we can imagine it´s structure, how proceeds the process of it´s building-up in the period till the age of 15 and what are the threats jeopardizing the health and stability of the adult ego and psychic. Displays how we can minimize these threats and offers a menu of tools efficient for active personality competencies building.

A massive part of the education uses video case studies and interactive discussions. Lectures are suitable for students of all types of study.

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