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History of Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Education in ancient Greece and Rome. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Quintilianus.

2. Education in the Middle Ages. Christianity and its influence on education. Scholasticism. Church school, urban, university.

3. Education and training in the period of humanism and renesance. Erasmus, Rabelais. Anti-reformation Reformation and Education (Unity of Brethren, Jesuit Education).

4. Education of Comenius.

5. Pedagogy of the Enlightenment period. Locke, Rousseau, Pestalozzi. Education in the Czech lands (Theresian reform, the so-called patriotic teachers KSAmerling).

6. Pedagogy and Education in 19 century. J. F. Herbart. Herbartismus. Diesterweg, Froebel, Ušinskij, Lindner. Education in the Czech lands in the 19th century.

7. Education Reform in the world. 20th pedagogical directions century.

8. Education and Education in Czechoslovakia in the 20th century.


The content of the course is the education during the Classical Ages, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, ..., the 19th and 20th century, especially the development of pedagogical thinking and the pedagogy itself as the scientific sphere. The other important things such as the development of relationship between the state and kirk in areas of education, the process of liberalization of education, the status of child in education, the process of "teacher profession creation" and teachers education are discussed.

Especial emphasis is given to Komenský, Herbat, the reform pedagogy and education in Czech speaking countries.