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Pre-school Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


The first third of the course focuses on the structured introduction to the education of a pre-school child, their status in the family and in institutional care within a historical context. The basic terminology of a pre-school teacher will be defined.

The shift will then be toward the theoretical foundations from the creation of kindergartens to the present. The orientation and implementation of education in kindergartens since 1989.

An explanation of the personality orientation in pre-school education on targets, organisation, content and work methods and the Framework Educational Programme for Pre-school Education. An explanation of the needs of the child and current trends in education in families, the place of play in the needs and tutoring of the child.

Students can select their seminar work from individually discussed spheres, present it and hold discussions with the group. The papers presented will have an influence on the qualification of the examination.


The course looks at the historical development of the pre-school child´s education, the creation and the system of pre-school pedagogy, the early stages of childcare in institutions. It explains the formation and the current conception of alternative kindergartens.

It deals profoundly with the basic elements of the inner systém of pre-school pedagogy (socialising- comunication-interaction, play and learning in the environment of a kindergarten). The current major trends in implementing working programmes in kindergartens are looked at.