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Drama Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


a) Personal and social development of an individual 1. conveying fictitious dramatic situations based on interpersonal interaction and using simulation plays and role plays to actively find about the world, the human, the society and ourselves; 2. development of the ability to sensitively perceive other persons´ feelings, to communicate and cooperate with them, to react to stimuli, to understand connections and situations. b) Theory of dramatic education 1. getting acquainted with the objectives, contents and methods of dramatic education within the School Education Programme; 2. introduction of dramatic education as a field dealing with both art (aesthetically oriented) and personality-social theories; 3. getting acquainted with the stimuli of various art forms which can be an inspiration for improvisations and dramatic plays; 4. creation of dramatic situations; 5. evaluation of the quality of the content and form of a dramatic work.


IDramatic education General objective of the course is the system of social and art learning aimed partly for personality development and pro-social behaviour and partly for art development through drama and theatre. During optional lectures, the university student both acquaints with methods used in dramatic education lessons and learns that the dramatic education itself can become a method of instruction of various school subjects.

By way of games and exercises, he/she learns different techniques of work with pupils, which strengthens is/her own conception of pedagogical communication. Contents of the subject comprise particularly practical activities followed by theoretic instruction and/or students' reflection, and are divided into two mingled branches: - Personality and social development of an individual - Theory of dramatic education.