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Special Education - Individuals with Speech Disorder II

Class at Faculty of Education |


Introduction to problems of pathology in the field of primary and secondary functions (language, speech, communication) within all age categories in the following structure: Terminology, History, Occurrence, Incidence, Prevalence, Definition,

Symptomatology, Syndromology, Ethiology and Pathogenesis, Classification, Therapy and Rehabilitation introduction. 1 Introduction to pathology, norm and pathology relations, impairment of impressive speech element. 2 Dyslalia 3 Developmental disartria, verb. Development.Dyspraxia, pholonogical development and disorders. 4 Disorders of phonic speech side, rhinophonia, palatholalia 5 Speech development 6 Dysphasia, child dysphasia 7 Dysfluency, stammer, spluttering 8 Mutism 9 Symptomatic disorders - mental retardation, epilepsy, pervasive, visual-, hearing disorders, ADHD 10 Speech disorders in adulthood - outlasting 11 Gained aphasia , dementia 12 Dysartria, dysphagia