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Database and information systems

Class at Faculty of Education |


Principles of Database Systems

History of data processing, manual approach, mass data processing, database

Database technology, database management systems

Characteristics of data in databases

Architectures DB systems, data protection, user access

Database models

Conceptual modeling,

Entity-relational conceptual model

Relationships between entities 1:1, 1: N, M: N

Database design

ER diagrams, entities, relationships, identifying of keys

Data flow diagrams (DFD)

Data types and attributes properties

Database Normalization

Normal forms database schemas and relationships

Criteria for the design of a relational database schema

Decomposition and Synthesis

Discussion on the standardization and its importance

SQL for data manipulation

Commands for creating databases and entities, and their elimination

Change the name and entity type attributes

Commands for record a change of values and eliminate

Queries for the structure and opening a recordset

Advanced SQL queries

Managing database server

Important parameters of the server and their configuration

User management database, configuration of access rights

System functions for server management


The aims of the course is for students to clarify the philosophy, principles and techniques of design and development of database systems and information systems based on computer-managed database. The course is broad issues of database and information systems.

Students will gets to know the necessary theory and by way of practical exercises will practice chosen method of analysis and design. At the same time gain competence in operating, recovery and development of relational database systems.

Content covers basic concepts including in information and database systems, data processing architectures and approaches to them, data modeling with a focus on ER and DFD models, relational database model and the concept and principles of SQL. An integral part of the subject is also the acquisition of basic skills for administration of the database server in selected platform.

The subject builds on knowledge gained in previous courses Feature and principles of operating systems and Local computer network and, in terms of skills, builds foundation for further courses, especially for teaching in the learning course Development and administration of database applications.