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Design Web Applications

Class at Faculty of Education |


ASPECTS OF DESIGN OF WWW SITES - Definition and object of web design - Design oriented on user, common types of users and their requirements - Usability and accessibility of WWW sites as the main evaluation criteria - W3C standards for web applications - Web design process - planning, analysis and testing of web applications - Aspects of programming on the client side and server MARKUP LANGUAGE FOR CREATING WEB SITES - The structure and syntax of HTML, XHTML and XML codes, the registration parameters - The structure of web document - structural tags - Format content web pages - lists, tables - Components for adding multimedia elements into HTML - Interactive components of HTML language, methods of data transfer - Framework structure of web documents and its alternatives STYLES OF WWW SITES - Cascading style definition web site - Global styling HTML tags - Declaration of class and style of document identifiers - Cascade structure of CSS and the possibility of its use - CSS positioning, change style depending on events in the page PROGRAMMING ON THE SIDE OF BROWSER - JavaScript as an example of a language on the side of browser - The syntax of the language, ways of write to HTML pages - Object structure of the JavaScript, usage of embedded objels - Cycles and conditions and its features, examples of practical use - JavaScript events, declarations and use event handlers - Using of XMLHttpRequest object for dynamic content web sites PROGRAMMING ON THE SIDE OF SERVER - Principles and specifics of server programming languages - Manage and configure a Web server - Generate content web site from the side of server application - Data transfer via HTTP - Work with files on the server side - Asynchronous methods of data transfer between the server and browser (AJAX)


The aim of the subject Design of Web Applications is to develop practical design and implementation of web applications from the point o view of their look, as well as their technical solutions. Emphasis is placed on the mastery of technology design and implementation of web applications.

Part of the course is also to provide relevant theoretical knowledges in the field of web design and programming of web applications with the declaration of the most important criteria for evaluating websites in terms of technical elaboration, design and content. The course closely follows the previous objects in the Developement of application in object environments and Computer graphics and creates in terms of skills acquired foundation for further training courses, especially for teaching in the learning course Development and administration of database applications.