Implementation of physical activities of persons with disabilities in the context of historical and social development - a charter of sport for all disabled persons.
Types of disabilities, handicap in life and especially in physical activities.
Medical specification of disability, dangers during physical activities.
Institutional provision of physical activities of persons with disabilities.
Sport environment for psychosocial personality development.
TV and sport of wheelchair users, hearing impaired people, spastics, amputaries and people with limited mobility.
Visual impairment and possibilities of physical activities (athletics, navigation, goalball, torball, kombiball, ball), specifics of motor learning in visually impaired.
Mental disability - sport and physical activities, organizations and competitions.
Integrated physical education, problems of specialized PE.
The position of disabled people in the social system and the reflection of this position in the pursuit of physical activities.Implementation of physical activities of persons with disabilities in the context of historical and social development - a charter of sport for all disabled persons.Types of disabilities, handicap in life and especially in physical activities.Medical specification of disability, dangers during physical activities.Institutional provision of physical activities of persons with disabilities.Sport environment for psychosocial personality development.TV and sport of wheelchair users, hearing impaired people, spastics, amputaries and people with limited mobility.Visual impairment and possibilities of physical activities (athletics, navigation, goalball, torball, kombiball, ball), specifics of motor learning in visually impaired.Mental disability - sport and physical activities, organizations and competitions.Integrated physical education, problems of specialized PE.
Integrating pupils with special educational needs into school physical education lessons is a complex process that cannot be achieved without a thorough knowledge of the subject. The course BASICS OF APPLIED MOTION ACTIVITIES is focused on introduction and introduction to basic concepts of APA.