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Outdoor Artistic Activies II

Class at Faculty of Education |


Syllabus: The field work consisting in drawing knowledge about the place, locality and local materials precedes the actual realization of the object. The research is to be accompanied by drawings, models, texts or photogrpahs. The choice of a concrete way of presentation of the idea either in the form of the realization corresponding to a given time and space or in some other form that will introduce a local or global phenomenon in an original way

.Key words: ladscape, object, idea, concentration, place, natural and artifical material.


annotation: Unsettling of student¨s visions about artwork in plener as course of landscape-painting in using of 19´th century and to offer them landscape and nature and incubate environment as spiritual, sensual and art space for personal reflection and her comparation with social and art contextes of begining 20¨th century.

Discovering latent faces of reality (macro and micro world), unit, half-detail, detail, art experiments and etuds for projects.

Art documentation by drawings, paintings, photographic and videotechnical, analyse of them and using of inspirating resource.