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Introduction to environmental education

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Introduction to the subject - the current legislation. 2.

Histrorie of environmental education (EE) in the world and in Czech Republic. EE CEntres and the Veterans of the EE. 3.

The network of centres of EE, a MRKVICKA (network for EE in preschool age in the Czech Republic). NAAEE. 3.

The objectives of the EV. 4. Methodology of environmental education and learning.

Narrative methods, projects etc. 5. The projects (several examples). 6.

Zooasistence. 7. Forest pedagogy. 8.

The quality and efficiency of EV-instruments for evaluation in the NURSERY SCHOOL (portfolio, Board, etc.), tools, autoevaluace NURSERY SCHOOL teacher


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the theory, methodology and practice of environmental education. To inform about the importance and need of environmental education (in the global context), to acquaint students with the history of world and Czech environmental education and with prominent representatives of EV, state program EVVO, regional program EVVO and basic and extending literature. 1.

Introduction to the subject - current legislation. 2. Histrorie EV - EV history in the world, EV history in the Czech Republic - EV, EV centers. 3.

Network of SEV Centers in the Czech Republic, Mrkvička. 3. EV Goals. 4.

Methods of work in EV - informal education, work with natural material, narrative method. 5. Minor activities, projects, thematic integrated blocks, nature walks and nature trails. 6.

Education with the help of animals. Place-based education. 7.

Forest and orchard pedagogy. 8. Quality and efficiency of EV - tools of evaluation in kindergarten (portfolio, notice board, etc.), tools of self-evaluation of kindergarten teacher.