vymezení pojmu osobnost
základní koncepce a teoretické přístupy k výkladu osobnosti
hlavní témata psychologie osobnosti
geneze osobnosti
struktura osobnosti- vrstvy,faktory, rysy, vlastnosti
temperament, charakter, schopnosti,inteligence
dynamika osobnosti, hlavní motivy lidského chování
metody poznávání osobnosti
ukončení kurzu : zápočet na základě vědomostního testu
* Aim of the course:
to gain basic knowledge of psychology of personality
* Content of the course:
historical sources of theories of psychology of personality,
determination of term \"personality\", basic concept and theories of personality,
genesis of self conception, characteristics of ontogenetical developmental stages,
genesis of self conception, structure of personality, basic characteristics, dynamics,
* Aim of the course: to gain basic knowledge of psychology of personality* Content of the course: historical sources of theories of psychology of personality, determination of term "personality", basic concept and theories of personality, genesis of self conception, characteristics of ontogenetical developmental stages, genesis of self conception, structure of personality, basic characteristics, dynamics, motivation
Introduction into psychology, basic terms of psychology, basic terms of general psychology, definition of personality, structure of personality, basic characteristics, temperament, character, abilities, dynamics of personality, motives of human behaviour