Sylabus: Searching of balance between personal and general, between experience and information
Key words: form, contents, information, technology, context
* Teorie : Signification of information and its legibility. Tension among ilusion and mass of picture.
* Praxe: 1/ Verification of techniques and technologies, 2/ creation of picture composition
Basic insruction about colour. Bacics of colourś composition. Colour in human life and in art. Paintings etudes and studies by the reality. Changes of paintingś expression and functions of colour in painting in special epoches and art style periods.
Functions and expressing roles in roman art, gothic art, renaissance, clasiscical and baroque art. Colour in romantic and realistic painting, change of function of colour in art of impressionosm and postimpressionism.
Colour in art education of childrenś expresing.
Colour in paintingś expressions and art cultures noneuropeans.