Klíčová slova: Výtvarný znak, informace, gesto, obsah, inspirace, výpověď, estetický, etický, autentický,klasický, aktuální, tendence.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nKey words: Artistic mark, testimony, inspiration, information, gesture, contens, aesthetic, ethic, authentic, tendency, Classical, current.
Syllabus: Drawing in the context of a bachelor work.
Key words: Artistic mark, testimony, inspiration, information, gesture, contens, aesthetic, ethic, authentic, tendency, Classical, current. Syllabus: Drawing in the context of a bachelor work.
Creating of the collections of drawing which are connected with the topics of the bacular works. Authenticity of the author work in the connection with actual tendency of tradition drawing.