Úvod do kvalitativního výzkumu ve VV, kontext reflexivní praxe (D. Schön). Formulace cílů výzkumu, vztah teorie a praxe výzkumu, formulace výzkumné otázky, volba metod sběru a analýzy dat. Postupy práce s odbornou literaturou. Struktura bakalářské práce, její odborné hodnocení.
\r\nKlíčová slova: kvalitativní výzkum, cíle výzkumu, výzkumná otázka, kvalitativní data, odborná literatura, kritéria hodnocení bakalářské práce.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"* Syllabus: \r\nIntroduction to qualitative action research in art education, reflective practice, reflective competencies in an art education teacher (D. Schön). Gitlin´s horizontal evaluation, analysis of primary research documents according to Strauss - Corbin metodology of grounded theory. Structuring and producing a written research report. \r\n\r\nKey words: Action research, qualitative research, descriptive and interpretive approaches, posing research questions, hypothesis, assumptions, research ethics, ways of reporting, presentation. \r\n\r\n","inLanguage":"en"}]}* Syllabus:
Introduction to qualitative action research in art education, reflective practice, reflective competencies in an art education teacher (D. Schön). Gitlin´s horizontal evaluation, analysis of primary research documents according to Strauss - Corbin metodology of grounded theory. Structuring and producing a written research report.
Key words: Action research, qualitative research, descriptive and interpretive approaches, posing research questions, hypothesis, assumptions, research ethics, ways of reporting, presentation.
Critical reflection of personal portfolio in art and culture education and art practice.
Metodology and research methods in visual studies, art education, pedagogy and related fields. Conceptual and discursive analysis of research field.