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Gender in School

Class at Faculty of Education |

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The course aims at introducing the concept of gender and theoretical and methodological background for the application of gender perspective to school reality. In the course, we will explore multiple and complex relationships between gender and education drawing extensively on analyses and critiques of traditional conceptions of knowledge, teaching and research that have been carried out by feminist scholars and teachers. The emphasis will be on gender sensitivity and intersections of the gender perspective with current pedagogical, psychological and sociological theories of education/schooling.

We will discuss such topics as feminist theory and pedagogies; historical perspectives on educating women; controversies and contested theories about gender and education; systems of representation that serve both to emancipate and subordinate women; stratification in schools; identity development of girls and women; and ways to empower ourselves and our students through education. In all topics, gender will be explored in connection with other socially constructed aspects of identity such as race, class, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation.