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Special Education - Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities

Class at Faculty of Education |


History of specific learning disabilities, development of knowledge, research and neuropsychology in the Czech republic and abroad. Etiology, classification. Clinical description of individual disorders. Assessment of specific learning disabilities from the point of view of special educator in educational-psychological counseling centre and from the teacher's point of view - perception cognitive functions, motor functions, didactic tests and examinations. Screening of specific learning disabilities.

Reeducation of dyslexia, methods and forms of work, aids and publications suitable for working with children with specific learning disabilities. Reeducation of problems with writing and spelling and counting. Teaching foreign languages children with specific learning disabilities. Methods of teaching reading and writing. Specific features of working with children on primary and lower secondary level of basic schools. Legislation connected with specific learning disabilities. Cooperation with parents. Counselling.